Welcome to day 7 of Sewing for Kindergarten.
Both my guests today were snatched up while working on Stylo issue 4. I guess I have Celina to thank for a lot of my guests this year, ha.
My first guest is Bethany from I Married Superman.
Her blog is fairly new to me but she always make super wearable and cute clothes for her kids. Oh and go read her About page - it's funny!
And excuse me but now I have to go see what that adorable dress looks like from the front.
See Bethany's full post HERE.
Thank you Bethany!
My second guest is Erin from Brooklyn Pattern Company.
As the name reveals Erin started making patterns first and then started blogging. I think the majority is usually doing it the opposite way and I love when things are not 'as usual'.
Erin used to work as a pattern maker on Broadway and I feel like I need to make a post about her in my Industry Insiders series because I'm curious to hear more about that past!
Let's jump over and have a closer look at what Erin have made her adorable son.
See Erin's full post HERE.
Thank you Erin!
Oh yes please bring back industry insiders, I Love that series!!!