Monday, August 24, 2020

Tutorial: Bagging Method for Lining of Sleeveless Dress & Nova Midi Dress by StyleArc.

I've been wanting to write about this subject AND to do this tutorial for a very long time. As you will learn later on, the tutorial is sort of connected to the subject. 

I've been thinking, that even though most of you who are reading my blog are home sewists, you might find it interesting to read about how industrial sewing techniques can have different rankings in the professional fashion industry. All within the industrial sewing techniques. I know some of you who follow me are also interested in learning how to end up with professional looking results when you sew, and this article might be of particular interest to you. 

The tutorial is for using the bagging method when sewing a lined, sleeveless bodice. It can be used with a bodice with or without a zipper. In this case it is without.

The dress in this post is the Nova Midi Dress from StyleArc. There are more photos plus size and fabric info in THIS post from my Instagram account.