Sewing Tutorials

^^^This tutorial page is not being updated any more for some boring technical reasons. 
THIS Pinterest board now contains ALL my tutorials, both from this blog, and from my Instagram under the hashtag #miessewingtips .^^^


  1. love it! thanks

  2. Hey
    I'm making a halloween skirt for me and I just wondered if you could do a tutorial as I'm slightly stuck on how to do it. I'm thinking pleating it and adding a red layer underneathso that when I walk it kinda flares out. Would I pleat the second layer?
    Thank you so much
    Ps u have an amazing blog
    Pps could u check out my blog and tell me what you think of the doll clothes. I started with doll clothes but have been making things for me in the last year
    Thankyou so much

  3. Do you have a tutorial or post about reinforcing a gathered knit waistband? I am sewing a Maxi dress and want to try and protect the bodice from becoming distorted or damaged by the weight of the skirt fabric. I am thinking I could use a knit binding, sewing it to the seam allowance and than attaching the other side of the binding when I top stitch - in all honesty I have no clue what I am talking about but it sounds good in my head!!


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