Welcome to the second and last week of Sewing for Kindergarten 2015.
Today both my participants are second timers in this series but for two different reasons.
First up is the lovely and always spot on stylish Jess from Craftiness is not Optional.
Jess participated in the serie's first year sewing for her oldest adorable daughter and now two years later it is time for middle adorable daughter.
See Jess' full post HERE.
Thank you Jess!
My next guest need no introduction either. Hayley from Welcome to the Mousehouse.
And the alert reader might have noticed that Hayley participated with her daughter Ainsley last year too. The short story is that she missed the cut off by a week, so she was in a private Kindergarten the last year and this year she is finally ready for Kindergarten in the same school as her big brother.
Hayley has made two items but is cleverly showing how to style those two items several ways.
See Hayley's full post HERE.
Thank you Hayley!
Thanks so much for having me, Mie! Now, I am off to check out the rest of the fabulousness.