Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ruffle tunic from Elegance & Elephants

When Heidi from Elegance & Elephants announced that not only was she releasing this pattern for sale but also that she needed pattern testers I wrote back as fast as my fingers could hit the keyboard. You know that I am not a ruffle person but that does not mean I don't like ruffles. They just need to be used with care in my opinion and for this top they add exactly the thing that takes it from a very basic top to an AMAZING top. To me great basic clothes is actually really hard to make (because you obviously don't want it to be boring just because it is basic) and the regular reader of this blog will know that I personally always manage to screw up on that make-basic-clothes-front. But again that does not mean I don't like basic clothes and that is probably why I love this top so much. 

Even though I did manage to screw this one up by choosing two fabrics that made it look like something a waitress would wear in a 1950ies diner. Maybe not a totally disaster but take a look at one of Heidi's versions below. That is what I really fell in love with. Clean and simply beautiful. 

Oh well the pattern is being released this monday and I will get my own pattern to practice  getting the fabric right. You should jump over to THIS post on Elegance & Elephants and see what the other testers did with the three versions this pattern contains. So many options! Well done Heidi and thanks for choosing me as a pattern tester!


  1. It's cute! I tested the same pattern, only I made a dress. Haven't had a chance to blog about it yet.

  2. Thanks so much, Mie! It means so much to hear that you not only enjoyed the testing experience, but that you like my pattern! And I LOVE the fifties (my hubby often says I was born in the wrong era!)! ;-)

  3. Thanks for talking about this awesome blog.

  4. So cute, love the colors too

  5. Very cute and I love the colors you picked - it's retro sweet! Thanks for linking to the Craftastic Monday party at Sew Can Do:)

  6. While I love the original elegant version, I love your fun retro version too! Very cute!

  7. this is adorable! my daughter would love it. :)

  8. The 1950's diner is part of why I love it so much! A pair of saddle shoes and she'll be perfectly wardrobed this spring!

  9. Oh my gosh! I just adore this sweet little top.. reminds me of Alice in Wonderland so I am featuring it on this week's Pink Hippo party!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus


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