Monday, September 12, 2016

Sewing for Kindergarten 2016 - Day 1

I can't believe that this is the fourth year I'm saying a big welcome to Sewing for Kindergarten.
The series where cool everyday and school appropriate handmade clothes is the focus, all made by proud Mommies who have a child standing on the verge of a brand new chapter in their life, also known as kindergarten.*
*which in my homemade definition means the first year of mandatory school.

This year I have eight bloggers who are returning because their younger children have now reached kindergarten, five bloggers are here with their first child (and in one case children - yes, we are having our first case of twins in this series - YAY), we have two homeschooling mamas, two from Australia, where the school year starts in January, one that really should have participated last year but I didn't realize and seven who is sending their last child to kindergarten.
But most importantly I have twenty-one amazing bloggers and their cute kindergartners and I can't wait to see what they have made for us this year. So let's get started!

Today is an all boys sewing day which is rare in an amazing way!

First participant this year is Shelly from Sew Shelly Sew.
To me, she is some kind of tester unicorn...the magical way. Whenever I have been in pattern testing groups with her, she is usually the first one finished, the result is more than perfect and super cool on top. And she usually ends up making a couple more items before you even have the pattern printed. Magical and highly impressive. Oh, and she is funny and kind too.

See Shelly's post HERE.

Our second guest today is Dana from Sew Thrifty.
I didn't know Dana before this series but I realized that was a mistake when I went to her blog. Lots of great little projects over there. And I mean, just look at that photo above. I just want to plump down next to him and flick though that atlas.
Dana is also one of those ultra cool women who is a few weeks from giving birth to her fourth child and at the same time even considered to homeschool. Wow! But she ended up with the university model, which I'm very excited to hear more about.

See Dana's post HERE.

Here is a look at the schedule for the next two weeks.
It's going to be amazing.

Thank you!


  1. Yay! What a great start to my favourite series!! <3

  2. Love this series so thanks for continuing with it. We have a new little boy in the family. He's a long ways from kindergarten at the moment but time flies and when he's there, I'll have some inspiration pinned and ready to go!

  3. I LOVE everything about this post. The sewing and the stories. Good for you finding such a great school. We don't have anything like that near me but I wish.


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